Mr Tom London, a well-known radio announcer, recently released a
shocking observation report regarding the Helen Joseph State
Hospital's neglected infrastructure, as well as the staff, including
medical doctors', inhuman treatment of patients, as if patients were
considered as "cockroaches".
Now the question arises: "which pension or providence fund would be
willing to fund such state infrastructure?"
The same criteria also applies to the National Health Insurance, which
is in any case unaffordable. Several experts have already predicted
that two hundred and fifty billion rand per month will be needed for
National Health Insurance.
Motsoaledi should have known that unaffordable projects are impossible
without a realistic financial model. Just four months of funding is
equal to one trillion rand.
Mnr Tom London, 'n bekende radio-omroeper, het onlangs 'n skreiende
waarnemings verslag vrygestel met betrekking tot die Helen Joseph
Staatshospitaal se verwaarloosde infrastruktuur, asook die personeel,
insluitend mediese dokters se onmenslike behandeling van pasiënte,
asof pasiënte as "kakkerlakke" beskou word.
Nou ontstaan die vraag: "watter pensioen of voorsorgfonds sal bereid
wees om sodanige staats-infrastruktuur te befonds?"
Dieselfde kriteria geld ook vir die Nasionale Gesondheid Versekering,
wat in elk geval onbekostigbaar is. Verskeie kenners het reeds
voorspel dat twee honderd en vyftig miljard rand per maand vir
Nasionale Gesondheid Versekering nodig sal wees.
Motsoaledi moes geweet het dat onbekostigbare projekte sonder ‘n
realistiese finansiële model onuitvoerbaar is. Slegs vier maande se
befondsing is gelyk aan een triljard rand.